Have you ever during an exam made countless plans of what you were going to do in the Vacation that followed. And then you ended up doing nothing at all, forgetting all your big 'plans'. Well, blogging was one of those plans i had 2yrs back. It was last week while watching The Social Network that the "Lets start a blog" feeling hit me again. So here i am! Right in the middle of my exams, blogging out of absolute boredom. Not that I have any ex-girlfriends to insult, neither am I exceedingly good at writing, still.
And about me, Im Tejas Vaidya, a 19yrld aspiring engineer, born in Bombay, brought up in Mumbai, well almost. So you could expect 19 years of life in Mumbai influencing my thoughts in a way.
Good enough for a start i guess. The toughest thing as of now has been finding an apt title for my blog. So till i find one lets just call it 'The Tejas Vaidya Blog'.
Would be back & active come 2011, after the exams end. Have a gr8 New Years Eve. Ciao..!!
go study man..!!! this is ur elder sister speak..!!! so beta do wat is told..!!! n yea can well c d xam frustration hea..!!! all d besht..!!